
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Walking on Air

Sunday, april 16, 2006

I realized that each post I have made so far on this BLOG has been negative...and...I will not commit to NEVER having negative comments to make...just take a good look around and the need for criticism is self explanatory...a rather intuitive perception.

But...that is not the only perspective that my life can entertain or embrace...and...I always have had an intuitive appreciation of the myth of the Phoenix...out of the ashes...

I guess I just want to reaffirm my belief in the innate goodness and beauty of life, specifically, of MY life now that I have exorcised my demons and have left the life of denial in the dust.
I had always strived for some degree of authenticity in my life and until I had come clean, I was just another hypocrite at the mercy of societal judgement, caught in the vicissitudes of an ethos which is inherently empty and meaningless, but which wielded some kind of invisible but tangible influence or control upon my consciousness and my subconscious as well.

It's just an indication of how strong binary gender's control is, and how much effort it takes to throw those shackles aside and embrace one's true nature. I can honestly say that life sans chains is MUCH better. Slavery of any sort is demoralizing and I was certainly a slave to a value system that was detrimental to my good health. is a testament to the virtues of finding what is unique or special within oneself and cultivating that "specialness".

Let it be said that this writer will never again allow herself to succomb to the whims of a value system that is exclusionary and delimiting. My path lies in moving forward, in learning, growing, affirming that spark of the divine that resides within each and every one of us.

It is just another one of those pesky but insightful paradoxes...we are, at one and the same time, both individuals and completely interconnected and entwined with the rest of creation!!



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