I just couldn’t let this one go by the wayside…On Top Magazine
just ran a story on American Family Association (AFA) and its spin on the tragic suicides during September. Here’s a link to Bryan Fischer’s Blog (He’s director of issue analysis at AFA):
Here’s what he said:
“I'm afraid GLSEN and groups like them may share more of the blame for these suicides than anyone. Homosexuals cannot reproduce so they must recruit. Part of the agenda of groups like GLSEN is to urge students at younger and younger ages to come out and declare a disordered sexual preference. Sexually confused youth are pressured into locking into a sexual identity far before they are mature enough to do so.”
“Cannot reproduce so they must recruit”?
OMG…I must really be living in bizarro world…remember from superman? Everything is the same…kinda…but…cracked?? You can’t make this stuff up…I mean…well…I couldn’t!
This really demands a reading of his blog. It is THIS community’s fault that kids succumb to pressures exerted by people like Fischer and groups like AFA.
His solution? You had better sit down… “If we want to see fewer students commit suicide, we want fewer homosexual students.”
OMG…I know this is silly season, politically speaking, but how can rational and clear-headed individuals not see though these absurdities? Oh yeah…what rational and clear headed individuals??
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