Infiltrated militia addendum
Monday, July 31, 2006
I would like to modify yesterday's BLOG in light of the Qana tragedy. To clarify the point I made yesterday, which focused on miltary and militia organization, operations and hierarchy. I still maintain that Hezbollah, IDF, or U.S. miltary forces have civilian locations for much of the defense infrastructure. I will, however, accede to the contention that Hezbollah, as well as Hamas and other Jihad-like militaries and militias DO locate rocket launchers adjacent to civilian populations. I do not approve of these strategies, but I do understand them.
This is a progressive development that should have been anticipated after our experiences in Vietnam and with guerilla forces there and elsewhere. Insurgencies are just a different breed of guerilla warfare and those involved view themselves as freedom fighters, rightly or wrongly...that is certainly the mindset of those involved and their supporters. Many an "ordinary" Lebanese citizen supports Hezbollah because they feel that Israel and it's puppet master, the U.S., have abridged their country's, ideologies, etc. Not all Lebanese hate the West nor Americans nor Jews...they hate the feeling of disenfranchisement they continually live with. They hate the endemic poverty. The same can be said for Iraquis, Iranians and most of the rest of the population in the region.
The hatred of Jews, Americans and the West, in general, is reserved to those few who embrace extremist ideologies. We do, however, run the risk for the growth of the numbers of extremists due to our policies and rhetoric. For example...our proxy U.N. ambassador, John Bolton, yesterday used the expression "barbaric" to describe Hezbollah. Pres. Bush used the language "axis of evil". We refuse to engage in dialogue with Syria or Iran. We refuse to participate in two party talks with N. Korea.
Our vitriol and bloviating diatribes, our cold shoulder politics, our "cowboy diplomacy"...these are a few of the factors that have led foreigners to dismiss the United States government and its policies as antithetical to world peace.
They do not hate Americans...they hate American political agendas.
So...when we learn of catastrophes like behooves us to look beyond the surface. Did our refusal to call for a cease fire earlier contribute? Did our arming of Israel factor in? Has our Mideast policy helped to make Hezbollah a viable force? Are we enablers?
Serious questions that demand serious consideration.