
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Confused Messages?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stay the course...adapt and win...cut and run...

Just what is intended by this administration with regard to its message? That is anyone's guess. We can, however, judge the effect of this rhetoric upon the American public. For the most part, it is now falling on deaf ears.

Pres. Bush, Veep Cheney, RNC chair Melman...they each have their own set of talking points and we must point out that they don't match up!! The only talking point that IS consistent is that phrase cut and run which we have been deluged get the message...they have used this worn out cliche so many times that most of us just laugh when they resort to it again and again and again. Of course, Bush's brain is behind this specific talking point and one wonders if Mr. Rove has lost his's just not that effective these days!!

As to the other jingoistic catchphrases...which is it?? Stay the course or adapt and win? Mr. Melman asserts that they are actually one and the same...that by adapting we are maintaining. Well...this sure sounds like double speak to me...George Orwell would be writing in agony!! We know that the U.S. policy in Iraq, to be as gentle as possible, is not working, has not worked, and gives no apparent indication of working in the future. The truth is that we have made the wrong decision at each and every turn and one can only comment that this would appear to be the result of bad intelligence, recalcitrance and incompetence.

We hear, on the one hand, that commanders on the ground are aware of their needs and will tell Sec. of Defense Mr. Rumsfeld if they need additional troops. We hear, on the other hand, that even if they need troops, commanders on the ground will not second guess the policies set by the DOD and the Pentagon. Wow...this sounds like another case of it just poor communications skills??

Regardless of which mixed message one listens too, however, it is evident that this administration is clueless and forthright...a dangerous combination. We have no idea as to what we are doing or what will work...we have no concept of a winning or endgame strategy...but...we will push boldly ahead regardless of U.S casualties, Iraqi casualties or Iraqi infrastructural damage. We will forge ahead into the unknown even if we have a zero comprehension of Shi'a and Sunni mindsets.

It may be noted that we are the root cause of one of the most perplexing (to the U.S.) situations in the region. The Shi'a militias. After being abandoned by GHW Bush in 1991...after seeing thousands of their citizens massacred...the Shi'a have smartened up. They have resolved NOT to trust the U.S., based on previous performance. Hence...the existence of strong Shi'a militias which have infiltrated the police department and continue to aggravate sectarian violence.

I would suggest to the administration that adapt and win must be predicated upon intelligence, knowledge of the region and a modicum of common sense, none of which George Bush and his staff exhibit. I would further suggest that the adapting had best start in the White House, the DOD and the Pentagon before we expect to see anything happen in Iraq...that is...if it is not already to late (for both the White House AND Iraq)!



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