
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Connecticut's Primary

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

This will be a short entry today. I felt obliged to express my dismay upon learning that Joe Lieberman has decided to run as an independent. I believe this to be the crux of Senator Lieberman's disonnect with the state and people of Connecticut. That he considers his own self importance to be greater than his constituency is nothing short of arrogance and supposes that HIS interests supercede that of his state's and party's.

This is not the first time Mr. Lieberman has let his state down. The first was after his VP nomination for the 2000 Presidential election in which he insisted upon retaining his Senate seat concurrently. The next time he let his state down was after his endorsement of this administration's Iraq policy and his insistence upon maintaining that invading Iraq was the correct course of action.

The third time he let his state down was the Terry Schiavo case and the fourth was his endorsement of the administration's pork laden, subsidy filled transportation and energy bills.

Joe Lieberman may have worked for the poor and for minorities. He may have supported Women's and GLBT issues. As a Transgender person...of course I wholeheartedly endorse his positions in this regard. Nevertheless, he is beholding to his consituency and the betrayal felt by them is evident in their votes in the Connecticut Primary election.

That he would even consider splitting his party, which would be the obvious result of his running as an independent, is a furhter act of his state, his party and to freedom seeking Americans, in general, who view this upcoming midterm election as a critical step in preventing constitutional disintegration which has been the Bush Administration's agenda.

I call for Joe Lieberman to stand with his party, his state and with those who care about the original intent of the constitution and to defer from running for Senate this fall.



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