
Monday, October 02, 2006

Yom Kippur

Monday, October 2, 2006

Yom Kippur commenced last night at sundown and goes until sundown today. Traditionally, it is a day set aside for atonement and introspection. Many fast for the full 24 hours...some for even longer. This is meant as an act of submission and expiation. On this day, we ask forgiveness from our Creator, from those whom we have wronged and from ourselves. Following this day of atonement, we are intended to look forward and not dwell on the guilt. Rosh Hoshanah is the day that those who have led sin free lives, or have expiated their sins, will have their names inscribed in the Book of Life. We are given the 10 day period and, specifically Yom Kippur, to atone and have our names inscribed, if they have not already been. Yom Kippur is also the day to say prayers for those who have passed on to the next plane and pray for their welfare.

This is my first Yom Kippur BLOG. It will also be the first time that I have publicly asked for forgiveness. I will start with my Creator and ask the Great Spirit to forgive me my ignorance, my recalcitrance and anything that may fall in between. I know I can be a stubborn being at times and I beg the indulgence of the Great Spirit. I ask for guidance, for wisdom and for the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. I ask for the gifts of compassion and empathy and humility.

I also ask for forgiveness from those whom I have wronged. It is certainly near impossible to live sin free as long as we live in the world. Unwittingly and unbeknownst to us, we always live in jeopardy of offending someone unintentionally. As people's lives and circles overlap, and because we are all built differently, we are continuously put into potential conflict. Additionally, because of the condition of eternal change, our interests and desires often diverge. Accordingly, I ask for forgiveness for the unintentional pain I may have brought to others. There have been times that I have knowingly sinned, as well, and I ask those people to also forgive me my ignorance and my vices which may have motivated my errors.

Murray C
Danny C
Randy C
Patricia M
Tim FP
Robin P
Pat D
Tom W
Don K
Don M
Jamie W
Jack W

I know this is certainly not a complete list and I will amend it as I recall, on this Day of Atonement, the people who are deserving of my expiation.

Lastly...I forgive myself for those errors I have made...both the ones that I committed knowingly and the ones I committed unknowingly. I believe the important thing is to learn, to change and to grow. We can put the errors behind us only if we learn the lessons they are meant to teach. Otherwise, history repeats itself and we are not deserving of forgiveness. I pray, again, for wisdom, strength, compassion, optimism, faith and the power to express and feel the love that permeates the universe.



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