
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Nothing like having a lightbulb moment and totally misinterpreting what you just learned. I just finished reading the latest blurb from OneNewsNow regarding the tragic suicides this Fall. Of course, they need to scapegoat this (no way THEY could be to blame, not even just a little) and they’ve come up with a cutesy rationale.

Kids are NOT killing themselves, ONN says, because of their sexual orientation. This is no reaction to a homophobia the liberal elitist intelligentsia has created to blame religious fundamentalists (notice the reverse victim ploy). No…rather…kids get bullied and kill themselves because of their gender expression. That’s why they get bullied, not because they’re gay.


You’re just now figuring out what most gay, lesbian and straight people still don’t get? It’s always been about gender identity. Why do you think trans persons are even remotely included in the LGBT tent? Because our gender identity and expression tie us to lesbian and gay issues by reason of conflation of gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation.

Historically, kids, young adults and adults who are ridiculed and bullied because of gender stereotypes generally suffer at the hands of hate mongers exactly because their presentation is non conforming. And this is the case regardless of any trans/gay dichotomies.

So called sissy boys suffer far more than their counterpart tomboys, but both can have traumatic childhoods. And it starts when kids are VERY young and have given no cognitive attention to what their sexual orientation might be. They’re kids, for crying out loud! Even young teenagers are often bullied before they have any sense of whom they might be sexually attracted to.

Still, non-normative gender presentation will get a kid every time. And kids can be brutal. But, bullying and brutality is only to be expected, or so we are told.

Here are the last two paragraphs of the news item from ONN: (The quote is from Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber)

"I think the cause is clearly we need to look to these kids who are
sexually confused and are really disturbed and tormented internally --
it's not an external source," he notes. "So often times,
unfortunately, with no other perceived means at hand, some of these
kids are at risk to hurt themselves."

He believes God's natural order is written on the hearts of every man
and woman, which means people know when they are violating natural
order. The Liberty Counsel attorney decides that young people
struggling with homosexuality are in need of counseling for their
gender identity disorder."


It’s THEIR fault, not the bullies’ faults. They asked for it and they knew in their very hearts that this would be the outcome of their violating the natural order.

Un frickin believable!!!!

And it’s worth noticing how ONN and Matt Barber got here conceptually. They believe they have unraveled a knot. They’ve seen past a penchant for conflating two related but essentially different modalities, namely gender identity and expression vis a vis sexual orientation; they’ve seen the light, removed homophobia as a cause for bullying, and replaced it with a “blame the individual” paradigm because that person has transgressed gender stereotypes and the natural order.

How can you blame rational people…whether they’re kids or adults, for reacting negatively to gender transgression? It’s creepy and icky and gross.

It wasn’t us…it was’t our fault…it’s THEM.

Star Wars revisited…These (we) aren’t the droids you’re looking for!

How clever!! What they don’t know, however, is that once again, the emperor (or droid) is wearing no clothes!!

(Sorry about the mixed metaphor…I couldn’t resist)

And we know the bullies for who they are!


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