
Thursday, May 25, 2006

On Being Transgender, part 5

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Okay...I am going to try and wrap this up for a while. Of course, since being transgender is a major component of who I am, this theme will consistently be one that I address.

The other most common parental response comes from the father and it is rooted in his being a member of a patriarchy which has been used to dominating ALL facets of life for generation after generation. This response goes something lke..."What did I do wrong, that made you come out like this?" This has basically been MY father's reaction and I can't help but feel that the value they place on their own importance really goes beyond the pale. What gives them any indication that it was something THEY did? Why do they refuse to merely accept that we are the way we are and that it is NOBODY'S fault? Just the fact that they consider it to be a malady fo which someone was responsible implies that there is inherently something wrong with us. I refuse to accept this fallacious line of reasoning. People are who they are and you cannot chalk it up merely as a nurture situation. Irregardless of nurture, it would be awfully difficult to force a naturally heterosexual person to become gay. Likewise, it would be awfully difficult to force a male presenting person to want to present as female no matter how draconian their father might have been nor how coddling and pampering the mother might have been.

There is, today, more evidence than ever before (citations of such will need to be addressed later) that there are stong and determinative genetic components to both sexual preference and gender presentation.

There is, equally, the other argument against a binary model that puts forth the proposition that there are not merely two genders or two sexual preferences but that these two traits present themselves in multiplicity...that any combination or permutation that can be imagined is possible.

That does not lend creedence or acceptance to adult predators because we always maintain that one must be respectful and that taking advantage of others, particularly children, is NOT behavior that is either societally acceptable nor to be encouraged. By the same measure, the acceptance of multiplicity does not give the stamp of approval for other deviations such as bestiality, which, again, is one species taking advantage of another.

However, any sexual or gender behavior between consenting adults is strictly between them and no one else's busniess.

Which brings me back to the arrogance that men (fathers) express when they assume that THEY are responsible to set the standards, to elucidate the choices and to create the rules.
They are not required nor encouraged to meddle in affairs that are personal nor should they be allowed to pass legislation that mandates this or that behavior as the "correct" one and condemns all others to be acts of depravity, to be sins against mankind and GOD for which they should suffer marginalization or exclusion.



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