Tuesday, October 3, 2006
An open letter:
My dear brothers and sisters,
I have debated with myself whether to pursue further or abandon this discussion regarding stealth and activism. Please understand...by rehashing this issue I am not trying to challenge, demean or belittle anyone's position or feelings. I am just really confused and am asking for your help so I can have a better understanding. I am not elitist, nor separatist. Those of you who have read much of what I wrote over the past months will recognize that my criticism of elites...particularly minorities which eventually take on elite status, has been constant and unwavering. So...please bear with me, help me out and know that my love for all of you and my dedication to our community both continue unflagged.
Here is the source of my confusion:
How is it possible for those in total stealth mode to effect any kind of changes in the world?
My understanding of stealth is: covert, undercover, cloaked, not out in the open.
Webster's defines stealth as: secret or furtive behavior
My thesaurus uses the following synonyms: secrecy, surreptitiousness, covertness, furtiveness, undercover and clandestine
Please remember...I am talking about a life that is lived TOTALLY in stealth mode. There are, of course, many exceptions; those who live only part of their life in stealth, those who adopt stealth because they must keep their employment or because they have families; or those who live stealthy lives because of safety concerns. These are all fully rational and understandable reasons for not being "out" 24/7. To be sure, there are undoubtedly other reasons of which I am unaware and I humbly ask for your assistance in helping me to understand other reasons why one would choose a life of stealth. I guess I can partially answer my own question by citing the element, generally, of fear...for whatever reasons. This also makes sense to me. I am also not implying that everyone need be an activist. Each and every person is free to make their own choices and decisions regarding their lives. Far be it from me to impose my choices upon others.
I do want to make it clear that many of us know MANY who spend only part of their time in stealth...for a variety of reasons, many for those cited above. The efforts made by these wonderful individuals when not in stealth are equally amazing and laudatory. Again...I really want to be clear about this...my question and confusion are regarding those who are ALWAYS in stealth mode
When I cited other minority struggles...civil rights and sufferage, for example, my thoughts were that, had activism NOT been pursued, the changes (which are most certainly not fully implemented nor pervasive) probably would have not brought a sense of equality to those minorities to the degree that it has. Again...we have SO MUCH further to go!! I would assert that the same is true for the G and L communities....so much more left to do, but the strides that HAVE been made might not have happened without activists.
Yes...there is always the risk of bad press...the Rep. Foley debacle, for example. Nonetheless, we must assure the public that not all members...in fact most if not virtually all...are pedophiles. It's another of those issues that requires education, education, education.
But, retuning to our specific issue...the difference for us is that our being TG, unlike apparent gender or race, is not discernible at first examination. It is not only possible but likely that most transgender persons live their lives NOT out, exposed to the light of day. Again...as I expressed in the above paragraph...I understand why that is the case and I embrace those members of our community that must, or feel they must, or just desire to live in stealth. My confusion, again arises with the assertion,by some, that those in stealth also may effect change. By this...I understand their reference to be to someone who lives a completely and totally stealthy life. No exeptions.
Again...my question: How is it possible that someone living COMPLETELY and ENTIRELY in stealth can affect change in our community, society, or the world. I am wholly unable to understand this. In that email I sent that so upset ( I am SO SORRY and never intended to hurt anyone's feeling nor challenge them) some members of this and my other group, I made the statement that, for me, activism was a "no brainer" and that many of the solutions I had seen were just"band-aids that never addressed real problems but just tried to cover them up and make them go away". By making those statements, I was not trying to be hostile or contentious. I was not intentionally being disrespectful. Again, I was stating MY opinion of how one must make one's feelings known if one wants to see change. Again, I was referring to the fact that people whose lives remain unexposed are rarely able, if ever , to change prevailing attitudes.How could it ever be possible if we do not let others know who we are and how we feel? Do they gain an understanding by just being around us? Are we to assume that they will get the drift if we live amongst them, undetected? By what mechanism or method will they be changed if we do not engage them in discourse?
I am not challenging...I am not being hostile. the honest truth is that I have marked "fear of conflict" issues, I have changed my mind about writing this letter at leaset 30 times cuz I didn't want anyone to think I was contentious, or a trouble maker, an elitist or a separatist. I basically have a "live and let live" philosphy of life and NEVER try to pass judgment on others. I try to live my life by the Golden Rule and treat others the way I would like to be treated.
But...this question, or issue, has really been bugging me and I will never reach an understanding, nor be able to help others reach an understanding if I take the "say nothing...don't rock the boat" path.
So...once more...I beg your indulgence and respectfully ask for your help in clarifying this for me...
I did want to include a little about me. I am not, in any way, seeking aggrandizment in the course of being active. For those of you who don't know me...and...probly a surprise for those who do...I am basically shy and introspective. I eschew the public eye. I have an uncontrollable fear of public speaking. So...how did I find myself involved in the pursuit of activism? In college, during the Viet Nam antiwar effort, I was an interested but uninvolved spectator at a rally. Before I knew it, I had been clubbed across the bridge of my nose by a member of the National Guard and I instantaneously became radicalized. I joined SDS. I worked for student rights, women's rights, African American rights. After the war had ended...I faded back into the woodwork...worked a number of meaningless jobs...went on Grateful Dead tour...just lived life. But, as a touring Deadhead, one finds that every day was a life of activism because of the judgment society levied upon us. Nevertheless, I was not actvely outspoken. I have found that the current social and political climate has, again, called me to become active. I have not asked for it...I feel that activism ghas been thrust upon me by said state of affairs. Honestly...I would prefer to live a quiet life...work in my garden, read all those books I never had time for previously, work on my art or just hang out withmy kitty cat. But...I have a hard time standing by when I see our rights being eroded, when I see intolerance and discrimination, narginalization and disenfranchisement as the rules rather than as the exceptions. I will reiterate that I do not feel that everyone need answer this call...it is up to each and every individual to decide for themselves.
As always...I have nothing but love and respect for all of you, for the GLBT community and for all sentient beings. As always...I believe in the axiom that as long as one of us is not free, then none of us can be free...and...the Bohdisattva vow that until all sentient beings are enlightened, none may be enlightened.
Please grace me with your feelings, opinions and suggestions...help me to rise above this confusion!!
Peace thru Music,