
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Anti TG Tirade

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Over the past week, Mike Adams, a professor at UNCW, has been on a bender in his unmitigated attacks upon those who are Transgender. It appears as though most of Mr. Adams argument is Biblically based. As I personally wrote to Mr. Adams...I would certainly in no way attempt to abridge his first amendment rights. voicing his opinions he has opened himself up to criticism from not only the GLB and specifically T communities, but from many other open minded citizens who feel compelled to dissent.

I have written in this BLOG previously my thoughts on literalism and reconstructionism. Suffice it to say that I believe that mindset to be not only archaic and dogmatic but patently anitproductive in the course of human relations. Mr. Adams makes his case that we (the TG community, at large) have judged him even though we encourage others NOT to judge us. To the extent that I feel judging to be an unfair bias, I would agree with him. So...I will not judge Mr. Adams...he has based his opinions in biblical scripture and he is entitled to do that. I will, however, take the liberty to avail myself of critical thinking and to dismiss his world view (there is a difference between "judging" an individual and holding his beliefs up for public scrutiny) as one that has not entered the 21st century. These archaic ideas impose a world order that is stilted and based, clearly, on an inablilty to understand what are, to his way of thinking, arcane and incomprehensible concepts.

I have stated the syllogism before...a lack of understanding breeds mistrust and fear...fear breeds hatred...hatred breeds inability to understand and comprehend, necessarily, leads to the culmination in violence. A cursory survey of human history will bear out this syllogism. The other reason for violence is greed and I would not intimate that Mr. Adams' is guilty of avarice. (Honestly...I just have no information on which to base such a premise.)

But...I WOULD suggest that world views such as those Mr. Adams professes will, invariably and inexorably, lead to violence. It is the natural outcome of situations in which ignorance reigns, and in which agents actively promulgate the "sinfulness" of this or that lifestyle. It is nothing short of fearmongering. Those who share Mr. Adams' beliefs fear that the GLBT lifestlyle is infectious and communicable and that we will contaminate the purity of their world on account of our depravity.

Mr. Adams appears to live in a binary, patriarchal world. Does he profess female domination by men? Does he equally approve of and obey other biblical proscriptions? Should all heathens be put to the sword as the Old Testament exemplifies? Should non believers be stoned to death? Literalists have shown that they are often selective in what they choose to give creedence to and what they choose to dismiss.

I can only hope that the day will come when Mr. Adams will step out of his box, the one with no doors or windows, and let the light of day in; that he will come to appreciate that the creation is manifold and diverse and that the Great Spirit shines on all creatures; and, that he will, someday, learn to appreciate and celebrate the multitudinous nature of life and the diversity of manifestation, and open his heart to the possibilities of love and not the politics of hate.



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