
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Federal Marriage Amendment...Take 2

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

I have spent the afternoon watching C-span 2 and the Senate debate on the Federal Marriage amendment. Again, I will reiterate my distress regarding the institutionalization of discrimination and bigotry.

I must remark...with the exception of Sen. Kennedy (D-Mass) and Sen. Dayton (D-Minn), every democratic senator objected on the grounds that this debate was an exercise in pandering to fundamentalist special interests. Only the two senators I have cited had the courage to call the proposed legislation by its true name...a revisionistic and regressive exercise in hatred, bigotry and blatant homophobia. I applaud their courage to champion a less than popular stand up for their beliefs, to not cave in to pressure for bigoted constituents.

This country is a democratic republic. Madison and Hamilton did not hesitate to point out that a democracy would unfairly favor a majority against a minority. The beauty and ingenuity of our alleged government system, at least as envisioned by Madison and Hamilton, was that a minority's rights would be protected even within a deomcratic and representative government.

We need only recall the nature of this country prior to the civil rights movement. The majority of citizens did not endorse nor support the rights of the African American community. Likewise, prior to the suffrage movement, women had been denied the vote...mostly by a majority of men.

These policies and social judgements have changed, slowly, certainly not completely...we still have miles to go...but...can we not understand that GLBT rights are at the same point in history as previous minorities were when they contended for equality?

And...can we not see that this IS a church vs. state issue...and...that, as I mentioned in a prior BLOG, the statistics do not bear out the reconstructionist viewpoint or agenda?

I did a bit of is a pertinent link...

I did some fact checking and most of the statistics proved to have sound footing...

It is time for us to open our eyes...we must prevent this travesty, this perversion of justice, from gaining a greater foothold...our humanity is at stake!!



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