
Monday, June 05, 2006


Monday, June 5, 2006

It's amazing...during times of personal loses complete track of current events. I watched no news for the past 4 completely in the dark regarding what has happened in the world. Nations could have collapsed, tidal waves swept away civilizations, and I would be oblivious!!

It proves that, when we are consumed with our own affairs, nothing else matters...

I did, however, try and distract myself by watching a movie...saw Hotel Rwanda...and bawled my eyes out. Such tragedy is unscionable and inexcusable. But...what is learning history's lessons and forgetting them so quickly. What is happening in the Sudan is comparable to what happened in Rwanda...ethnic cleansing, genocide...and, the world waits and watches. There is no oil there to recover so the West has little interest. And the desert weeps...

I wanted to write about the power of prayer...the depth of the effects of healing from a distance. My father was a lucky man...the extent of his cardiac disease was immense...his odds slim. But, I must believe that the power of the mind, when joined together with other minds, can accomplish amazing things. Call it prayer, call it faith, call it healing at a distance...we know little about how it works because it cannot be submitted to scientific proof nor be explained by the scientific method. But, there are those amnogst modern scientists who postulate the existence of an "Akashic field". It is this field which allows the power of the mind...the part of the brain that we have allowed to fall into exercise its influence irregardless of time and space restrictions.

More on this later...



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