Thursday August 31, 2006
Before writing yesterday's BLOG, I had considered writing about this newly created word "Islamofascism". But, considering that it was the first anniversary of Katrina's landfall, I decided to put off "Islamofascism" until today. Little had I realized the prescience of my thoughts regarding this un-word. Yes, I had been hearing its and there...but...yesterday, it exploded upon the scene as the theme of the Republican Party and this administration. All of GW Bush's minions are now parroting this catch word with stern and weighty rhetoric.
Just what IS this word, "Islamofascism"? It is a term designed to drive fear into the hearts of Americans by recalling the pre and post World War Two hegemonistic designs on the world by Hitler and Mussolini. It is just another attempt to propogandize and brainwash the voters into returning this administration to power in the midterms. Does it not seem timely that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the talking heads are singing the same refrain, just 2 months before the elections? Next step will be a series of false, but purported to be real, alarms and elevations of the terror threat level to reinforce the campaign of fear that Karl Rove has engineered.
Fascism, historically, is NOT a religious movement. It is NOT generally associated with sectarianism betweeen religious factions. Fascism, historically, is a political agenda intended to subdue INTERNAL populations, first, through fear and intimidation...secondly adjacent nations. There is characteristically one central and charismatic figure who is, in reality, a despot and a tyrant. Yes...they do play upon nationalistic ideology but that would be the only commonality between fascism and neo-jihadism. We hear that this is a "war on terror". That, in itself, is nonsensical. Even if this WERE a war on terrorism, that, too, is not sensible. Terrorism is a tactic, not an enemy. It has been used by all oppressed people and nations throughout history, during the American Revolution, for example. Today's brand of terrorism is extreme in quality and quantity, but that is the nature of the world in which we live where dramatic efect is of utmost import.
To allege that Sadaam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and all other jihadists are part of a bigger "war of terror" is not an accurate assessment. They are separate and independent movements. Any similarity that exists is due to the shared experiences they have had with the West. And, to assert that there are massive movements at counter purpose to the U.S. is also grossly inaccurate. The vast majority of Arabs, Persians, Asians and Europeans, not to mention Americans, who practice Islam, are NOT terrorists, are NOT jihadists. But...our actions certainly serve to attract more people to the jihadist mindset because oppression, occupation and subjucation always radicalize the populace and force them into postures they might, otherwise, not assume.
It is this administration's policies that contribute to the radicalization of Muslim nations. Fascism has nothing to do with it whatsoever. Perhaps President Ahmaninejad has larger designs and perhaps he has a delusional belief that the holocaust never happened, but that does NOT make him a fascist. There was no evidence that Sadaam Hussein had designs upon the United States. The truth is that his imperialism in the region was fueled by U.S. arms and U.S. dollars.
I have seen the "Hitler effect" many times in my years on the internet. Arguments ensue, someone is invariably upset, and the last and most drastic step is the Hitler comparison...meaning that someone is employing despotic and tyrannical control over a group. It is obvious that, whenever a debate is reduced to Hitler metaphors, the dialogue has deteriorated past the point of acceptability. Such is the case today. The political rhetoric of this administration and its crones has reached a level where we, as intelligent human beings, must say..."No More!!!". On yesterday's news, I heard VP Cheney, Sec of Defense Rumsfled, Chairman of the RNC ken Melman and a myriad of talking heads...Neal Bortz and Frank Gaffney, for example, use the term "Islamofascism" repeatedly, with straight and serious faces.
As a familiar strain from "Network" went..."We're mad as Hell and we're not gonna take it any more"
If we allow ourselves to be affected by this partisan and stilted language whose intent is to provoke hysteria, we will suffer the consequences. The next step will be their decision to invade Iran and the fallout...pun intended...will be potentially more than we might have ever comprehended. These fear mongers must be stopped NOW. There is no later, as evidenced by their use of the Hitler metaphor.