Haditha, et al
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I hate to consider myself a chronic complainer, a zealot or some other kind of nut case. But...it seems that every week we get new "surprises"...not the good kind, mind you...from our administration and our goverment. The Haditha massacre, courtesy Rep. Murtha and a marine lance corporal, is one of the latest of those "surprises". It's hard to tell which is worse...the massacre itself or the subsequent cover up. Irregardless...and even though the actions were heinous, I cannot help but to posit the blame at the feet of Sec of DOD...Donald Rumsfeld and VP Dick Cheyney. Yes...we cannot condone the brutal and unforgivable atrocities nor the men who committed them. But, we must bear in mind that this elucidates two critical points. Firstly...general fatigue and despair amongst the troops have set in...there is no definable goal and the soldiers see their comrades being picked off in never ending day to day engagements. Secondly, it points to the oft perceived culture of the military these days which has been imposed from above...victory at all costs! Well...this time the cost has proved to be more than significant and the fallout will, I fear, surpass the outrage following Abu Ghraib or the Gitmo abuses.
It starts at the top...Bush and Cheyney...Bush for his victory at all costs rhetoric and Cheyney for being the puppet master who manipulates Bush's strings. And then we have the master of subterfuge and double talk...Sec Rumsfeld. This triumverate has set policy for our military and any objections by military leaders...generals and admirals...is trumped by the "Big 3". Congress has abdicated its oversight responsibilities, so the wolves run free amongst the sheep, unchecked and, evidently, unstoppable.
What is next?? One can only wonder.
Well...we don't have to wait that long...the Rep Jefferson fiasco is here to fill the gap. We all know this guy has been caught red handed. Clearly...there was more than enough evidence BEFORE searching his congressional offices. The debate here is about the ramshod technique of searching those offices without the presence of Jefferson's attorney. And...neither the FBI nor the executive branch have addressed the constitutional sanction against such congressional office searches unless the Congressman has been charged with treason or a felony. Jefferson has yet to be charged with ANYTHING!!
What are these people thinking??
Well...next up...we hear that the Veep checks (has checked...I doubt he does it personally) every piece of impending legislation to determine if there is ANY potential erosion of what he deems to be executive privilege or power.
And...the pres has amended over 700 pieces of legislation which he has signed declaring his intention to NOT enforce certain parts of the legislation he deems to threaten his executive power. Most noticeable was his caveat regarding the McCain torture bill, in which Bush stated his intention to disregard the ban on torture whenever he saw fit.
Folks...the hits keep coming...yesterday, the Supreme Court...stacked by the Bush nominations...declared that whistleblowers do NOT enjoy 1st amendment privileges. Before the departure of Sandra Day O'connor, this issue had been deadlocked and unresolved. Well...we should have seen this coming, particularly from Alito whom, I fear, is far to the right of the Chief Justice Roberts.
Well...what bombshells will this week bring our way? The erosion of civil liberties is dramatic and palpable. As Sen. Feinstein articulated...we are facing severe and disturbing issues involving constitutionality. And there is no one watching out for the average American because all three branches of government are actively participating in the perpetration of undermining the Constitution or noticeably NOT participating in its protection and safeguarding.
Coming up next...the first constitutional amendment to LIMIT rights takes the stage in Congress. Beware the actions of wolves unchecked!!